Amine Elouarti

Design Engineer


Hi there 👋 I'm Amine, based in Tangier, Morocco. I like building websites and solving problems through the lenses of design and code. Captivated by the beauty of crafted interfaces and interactions, constantly seeking to create uplifting experiences. A huge believer in the continuous improvement of my craft, and I play piano occasionally. For the past 3 years, I've been building software with amazing people at Protocol Labs and Nuvocargo.


Lessons and work experience gained over the past three years.

Lead Software engineer


Protocol Labs is an open-source research, development, and deployment laboratory. I Joined Protocol Labs in late 2020 to work on Slate, a decentralized personal search engine built on top of the IPFS and Filecoin protocols. Working alongside exceptionally talented individuals, I had the opportunity to build across the stack both frontend and the backend.



Slate home page

Viewing image files in Slate

Accessing slate's objects anywhere in the web

Accessing slate's objects in new tab

Lead Frontend engineer


Nuvocargo is a digital-first freight forwarder and licensed US customs broker. As my first professional experience, and with great mentorship I had the chance to grow and build features with the ultimate aim of helping shippers seamlessly move cargo over the road between USA and Mexico.



Nuvocargo's landing page

Nuvocargo's shipment tracking

Open Source Work


A personal search engine where you can save and organize your bookmarks and files.

Slate web extension

Use the Slate browser to easily save and organize your bookmarks on the web

Redux generator

Generate redux actions and reducers based on Duck method

Amine Elouarti

Frontend Engineer


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